Priority1 API



The Priority1 API was designed to be easy to use and simple to test in order to help our customers and partners get up and running quickly. Use the LTL endpoints to obtain rates, dispatch & track shipments, and access the documents needed for managing your business.

The current version of the API is v2, which is not backward compatible. Any organization who went live before February 2018 utilizing any XML-based functionality will require a version bump to use the new APIs.

To obtain access or for more information, please contact your Priority1 sales representative.

Terms & Conditions

View our full terms & conditions or download a printer-friendly version.


Integration partners and organizations must acquire valid credentials prior to using the web services. All the API endpoints require authentication.

The Priority1 API uses header-based, API key authentication and authorization. Each request should contain a header field with the format: X-API-KEY: {your-api-key}, where {your-api-key} is the corresponding API key provided to you by Priority1.

Supported Data Formats

The default format is JSON, content-negotiation is not available at this time.


The Priority1 API contains only a single major version for consumption.

Version 1

Version 2

For comprehensive v2 API documentation including sample requests and responses, please review our documentation.

Further documentation not available at this time.

Reference Data

Accessorial Service Codes

Code Description
* Misc Freight Charge
AIRDEL Airport Delivery
AIRPU Airport Pickup
APPT Delivery Appointment
BLIND Blind Shipment
CAMPDEL Camp Delivery
CAMPPU Camp Pickup
CFSDEL Container Freight Station Delivery
CFSPU Container Freight Station Pickup
CHRCDEL Church Delivery
CHRCPU Church Pickup
CLUBDEL Country Club Delivery
CLUBPU Country Club Pickup
CNVDEL Trade Show Delivery
CNVPU Trade Show Pickup
CONDEL Construction Site Delivery
CONPU Construction Site Pickup
DOCKPU Dock Pickup (Will Call)
EDUDEL School Delivery
EDUPU School Pickup
ELS_10 Excessive Length, 10ft
ELS_11 Excessive Length, 11ft
ELS_12 Excessive Length, 12ft
ELS_13 Excessive Length, 13ft
ELS_14 Excessive Length, 14ft
ELS_15 Excessive Length, 15ft
ELS_16 Excessive Length, 16ft
ELS_17 Excessive Length, 17ft
ELS_18 Excessive Length, 18ft
ELS_19 Excessive Length, 19ft
ELS_20 Excessive Length, 20ft
ELS_21 Excessive Length, 21ft
ELS_22 Excessive Length, 22ft
ELS_23 Excessive Length, 23ft
ELS_24 Excessive Length, 24ft
ELS_25 Excessive Length, 25ft
ELS_26 Excessive Length, 26ft
ELS_27 Excessive Length, 27ft
ELS_28 Excessive Length, 28ft
ELS_29 Excessive Length, 29ft
ELS_30 Excessive Length, 30ft and over
ELS_6 Excessive Length, 6ft
ELS_7 Excessive Length, 7ft
ELS_8 Excessive Length, 8ft
ELS_9 Excessive Length, 9ft
FARMDEL Farm Delivery
FARMPU Farm Pickup
GOVDEL Government Site Delivery
GOVPU Government Site Pickup
GRODEL Grocery Warehouse Delivery
GROPU Grocery Warehouse Pickup
GS10 Guaranteed by 10AM
GS11 Guaranteed by 11AM
GS14 Guaranteed by 2PM
GS15 Guaranteed by 3PM
GS1530 Guaranteed by 3:30PM
GS8 Guaranteed by 8AM
GS9 Guaranteed by 9AM
GSAM Guaranteed by 12PM
GSMUL Guaranteed Multi-Hour Window
GSSING Guaranteed Single-Hour Window
GUR Guaranteed by 5PM
GURWIN Guaranteed by Hour
HAZM Hazardous Material
HOSDEL Hospital Delivery
HOSPU Hospital Pickup
HOTLDEL Hotel Delivery
HOTLPU Hotel Pickup
INDEL Inside Delivery
INPU Inside Pickup
LGDEL Lift Gate Delivery
LGPU Lift Gate Pickup
LTDDEL Limited Access Delivery
LTDPU Limited Access Pickup
MANDEL2 2 Man Delivery
MANDEL3 3 Man Delivery
MANDEL4 4 Man Delivery
MILDEL Military Installation Delivery
MILPU Military Installation Pickup
MINEDEL Mine Site Delivery
MINEPU Mine Site Pickup
NOTIFY Notify Consignee
PFZ Protection From Freezing
PIERDEL Pier Delivery
PIERPU Pier Pickup
PRISDEL Prison Delivery
PRISPU Prison Pickup
RDNS Residential Direct No Signature
RDRC Residential Direct Room of Choice Service
RDTH Residential Direct Threshold
RDWG Residential Direct White Glove Service
RDWG20 Residential Direct White Glove Service 20 min
RDWG30 Residential Direct White Glove Service 30 min
RDWG45 Residential Direct White Glove Service 45 min
RDWG60 Residential Direct White Glove Service 60 min
RESDEL Residential Delivery
RESPU Residential Pickup
SATPU Saturday Pickup
SORTDEL Sort/Segregate Delivery
SORTPU Sort/Segregate Pickup
UTLDEL Utility Site Delivery
UTLPU Utility Site Pickup